The Ultimate Health Membership

Through state of the art testing, deeply personalized and in-depth care protocols with a laser-focus on longevity, vitality and whole body health, Dr. King and her team are your secret weapons in achieving your Ultimate Health.

When you join the Ultimate Health Membership you’ll receive

Customized one-on-one comprehensive care through which you will discover and understand what your body needs, create a vision of what Ultimate Health looks like for you, and a unique health strategy that delivers tangible results.

What the Membership Includes

Bespoke Medical Care

  • Full access to Dr. King and her team

  • 90-minute intake visit or video appointment with Dr. King

  • In-depth, individualized health education so you understand what your body needs and why

  • Personalized Ultimate Health plan, including supplement regimen, detoxification protocol, lifestyle enhancing activities (exercise, sleep and stress modifiers), plus hormone and dietary recommendations.

  • Regular consults in-person or virtually, to fit your needs

  • Referrals to world class professionals

Wellness Exams & Medical Basics

  • Comprehensive annual exam

  • Pap-smears

  • In-office blood draws

  • Prescription orders

  • Hormone health evaluation and optimization protocol 

  • Advocacy and communication support with other medical professionals

  • Medically supervised, weight loss programs for both men and women of all ages

  • Dr. King will place orders for and interpret results from mammograms, colon cancer screening, osteoporosis, MRI’s and more.

As a concierge patient you also have access to Dr. King’s Additional Services* and exclusive Member discounts on Medical Aesthetic Services:

  • State of the art testing

  • Exosomes therapy

  • Peptide therapy

  • Specialized IV therapy

  • Bioidentical/Human Identical hormone therapies

  • Lab work

  • Monthly specials on facial rejuvenation, body enhancements, body shape and tone and more

  • Referral bonuses for non-members aesthetic services

*an additional fee applies to these services

Featured Patient Tesimonials

Amanda B.

Silvia P.

Begin your journey towards Ultimate Health